Thursday, September 13, 2012

Move Along; Nothing to See Here

If you're following the news, you know about the assassination of the American Ambassador to Libya, and you know about protestors storming the US Embassy in Yemen. You also know that these protests were reactions to a horribly bigoted, idiotic and deceitful anti-Islamic movie. A trailer for the movie has been circling the internet cesspool; the movie was made by narrow-minded people with no education or world experience and it outrages the same type of people. Okay, you know these things. Here's what else you need to know:

1) Jordan is not near any of these countries. I am staying in a very urbanized city in a very educated country---a country that protects its borders and is far away from these events.

2) The US Embassy knows I am here and how to reach me. They have said nothing about any danger to me or to the people staying with me.

3) Campus security at JUST also knows I am here. They have advised us to travel as a group and not go out at night, but otherwise to proceed as if nothing has happened.

So I am fine. Thank you for not panicking.

If you don't know about recent events, proceed as normal.

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